DELTA II CCPP Natural Gas Fired CCPP (2 x GTG + l x STG)

DELTA II CCPP Natural Gas Fired CCPP (2 x GTG + l x STG)
Project Location:Kırklareli, TurkeyENPRODE’s Project Responsibilities;
» Conceptual Design
» Basic and Detailed Engineering
In April 2012 ENPRODE was awarded the contract for Conceptual Design, Basic and Detailed Engineering Services of 130 MW capacity extension project by DELTA Energy A.S., a subsidiary of PALMET Group of Companies.
Design for extension encompasses the followings:
Two (2) Gas Turbine Generator Packages (GTG), one (1) Steam Turbine Generator (STG), two (2) Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) and also one Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) in accordance with the equipment performance.
Design and engineering services were completed in 2013.